
Maybe if I had a more routine life, I could blog

Since I have no bandwidth for myself: I'LL SHARE WITH YOU - I'M A SUCKER FOR VISUAL ALLEGORY!

W. Eugene Smith
The Walk to Paradise Garden

This is a photo of his own children he took after a long illness and 30+ operations - it came out in public after WWII and became an icon for the new peace, the hope of starting again.

Julia Margaret Cameron
The Whisper of the Muse

Starting her career as a photographer at 48 years old, this brave woman's work was Pre-Raphaelite and allegorical. This photo HAUNTS me.

Gregory Colbert
Unsure of title- from the Ashes and Snow tour

Though criticized heavily, I understood the allegory here in his work. It disturbed many, but I fell in love with it. He borrows from ancient conventions of allegorical art.
